Odoo Sales Model

Odoo offers a powerful sales management module designed to streamline the sales proccess and boost productivity

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 Why Odoo Sales Mod​ule

From lead management to customer communication, Odoo provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help businesses effectively manage their sales pipeline. With features such as lead scoring, automated follow-ups, and real-time reporting


Odoo CRM helps you organize your sales activities: track leads, close opportunities and get accurate forecasts. Keep opportunities organized with the pipeline and manage your day-to-day activities with meetings and next activities.

image of Odoo CRM
Image of sales report


Odoo Sales is the application to run your sales process (from quotation to sales order) and deliver and invoice what has been sold.

Point Of Sale (POS)

With Odoo Point of Sale, run your shops and restaurants easily. The app works on any device with a web browser, even if you are temporarily offline. Product moves are automatically registered in your stock, you get real-time statistics, and your data is consolidated across all shops.

Image of point of sale machine

50,000+ companies run Odoo to grow their businesses.

Join us and make your company a better place.

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Odoo Subscriptions is used to run recurring businesses: sell new contractsupsell customers, keep the churn under control, and generate reports on the main KPIs: MRR, ARR, retention, churn, etc.

Rental Application

The Odoo Rental application provides comprehensive solutions to configure and manage rentals.

Send quotations, confirm orders, schedule rentals, register products when they are picked up and returned, and invoice customers from this single platform.

image of house keys

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